Application note for the IT department

Application note for the IT department

This application note is intended for IT services to give an overview of the architecture of the DECRO ADVANCED system, its requirements of setup as well as security and update features.

1      Architecture of the solution

The DECRO solution, is an external jacketed telemetry system dedicated to the non-invasive monitoring of cardiac and respiratory functions and the activity of small laboratory animals (rats, guinea pigs and juvenile minipigs) used for biomedical research and the testing of new drugs (toxicology, safety pharmacology, early drug screening ...).

The system consists of the following 4 elements:

1.      The jacket instrumented with respiratory sensors combined with electrodes for electrocardiogram worn by the animals

2.      The transmitter with their batteries capable of recording physiological signals and transmitting them through a Bluetooth link to a receiver;

3.      A computerized system for receiving and processing of physiological signals consisting in a master server controlling several acquisition units.

4.      A proprietary Web based Software to manage acquisition, data processing and export.

Typical architecture for an DECRO advanced 4 system.

Note: DECRO is not a Cloud based solution. Data and software are hosted locally on the server located in your facilities and potentially connected to your network.

1.1       Accessing the software

The software is served by the master server to the web browser of the user’s computer. Accessing the software requires to establish an HTTP connection between user’s computer and the master server. This can be achieved by different ways either in a standalone way (no connection required to an existing network) or by connecting the system to the laboratory / company network.

The two configurations are detailed in the table below. It illustrates both the Standalone configuration and connection to an Existing network that might be secured using Firewall (See Section 1.3 about network port), Subnetworks based on your IT policies…




Existing Network


A direct connection to the master server is established with user’s computer through an Ethernet link.


Master server on this ISOLATED LAN, acts as the router and a the DHCP server to attribute an IP address to the user’s computer.

The master server is connected to an existing LAN managed by the IT using an Ethernet interface. It is possible to access the server from a computer having access to this network.


The master server’s IP/URL has to be managed by the IT.

Server’s Ethernet interface



Network Range

IPV4 -

DHCP client IPV4 (for IT configuration MAC address is indicated on the label of the master in the DHCP mode section)


Note : An access from outside of the network (home, remote …) can also be implemented by your IT service  using for example a VPN tunnel allowing

1.2       Compatible browsers

Browsers compatibility is indicated in the following table.


Minimal version

Mozilla Firefox








1.3       Default Network Ports

Connection to the user interface requires a single port (configurable on demand) to be open for TCP connection. Additionally, another port is required for getting updates directly from Etisense (see chapter 4)

The default configuration for network port is listed in the table below :

2      System main characteristics and installation

The system has a small footprint and can come:

-        with all the elements packaged in a flight case of dimensions less or equals than 60x50x50cm (depends on the configuration)

-        with unpackaged elements for an installation in a fixed place (animal facility, specific boxes).

During the monitoring of the animal has acquisition hardware has to be placed in the same room where the animals are located to achieve proper Bluetooth radio performances.

Pictures illustrating an example fly case packaging of an Advanced 8 System for 8 animals

Additionally, the system requires to meet the following conditions to properly function:




Location of the system from animals

For Bluetooth radio link.

Acquisition units located in the same room than used for recording <10m from the animals.

Electromagnetic compatibility and interferences

Radio is Compliant with Bluetooth low energy 4.0 specification and EMC is compliant with :

 FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Subpart B

ANSI C63.4 (2014)

ICES-003 (2020)

FCC CFR 47 Part 18

For optimal performances it is recommended to limit the number and the power of other radio devices (phones, AP …, watches …)  functioning on 2.4Ghz (WIFI, ZigBee, Bluetooth…) frequencies in close environment

Power supply

110/220V 16A power supply outlet


It is highly recommended to prefer a Power Outlet secured using an UPS to avoid power supply failures.

Network Connection

An ethernet cable to be connected to the computer or the existing Network

Ethernet Gigabit Link (only for connection to existing network)


Note: For installation in a fixed place (animal facility, specific boxes) or in case of specific constraints the system will be delivered unpackaged. Please reach out ETISENSE to evaluate the technical feasibility and requirements for an optimal setup.

Other specifications:

Applicable decontamination methods

H2O2 or ionizing radiation

3      Security Features

The system comes with following security features to ensure data integrity and prevent the access of unauthorized persons.

3.1       Authentication

In order to prevent access of non-authorized persons, the access to the software is controlled using an individual authentication relying on login/password that should be entered when connecting to the software from a web browser. The creation and management of user accounts is delegated to the administrator of the system.

3.2       Firewall and Network Ports

The master server manages the local network used to communication with the acquisition system and can be connected to the network facilities using a separated ethernet interface. A Firewall preventing access to DECRO local Network.

4      Update

Software update are under the control of the customer and will be only installed on demand. No automatic update is performed by ETISENSE without the permission of the customer. This operation can only be done by an administrator of the system.

There is basically two ways to update the software:

1.      If the system has an internet connection the updates can be downloaded directly from Etisense update servers and installed on the system by the administrator directly from the user interface

2.      If for any reason the system cannot be connected to internet an update media (USB key) can be ordered to ETISENSE.

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