#1 Activity - When the animal is active and moving: what is the impact on cardiorespiratory parameters? 

The animal's periods of activity are correlated with an increase in natural cardiorespiratory frequencies (CR,RR), as shown in the example below, where this untreated animal has periods of spontaneous activity in its socialised housing, which can easily be seen on the three cardiorespiratory and activity parameters in the AIO (All In One) default view of the software.

#2 Habituation- Do the animals have to be used to being equipped with the jacket? If so, what is the protocol? If not, what is the risk? 

Habituation is recommended to guarantee the well-being of the animals and the quality of the results. The effects of stress and induced variability can mask the effects of an expected molecule or physiological state. Habituation also prevents animals from damaging the equipment. The HABITUATION protocol can then be adapted to suit the study conditions. 

Habituation protocol : Generally speaking, it consists of a phase of desensitisation to the textile, followed by one or more sessions of increasing duration during which the animals are fitted with the solution (generally two sessions). The sessions are carried out over several days to approach or achieve the desired recording time.
No habituation : If you wish to record your animals without this protocol, it is advisable to let them recover from the equipment for 1 to 2 hours before carrying out the protocol.

#3 Habituation - Once they're habituated, do they need to keep longitudinal training for their animals? 

Depending on the frequency of recording, it is preferable to keep sessions of equipment for the animals to retain the benefits of the habituation phase carried out beforehand (beware of interruptions of several weeks without training).

#4 Equipment duration - How long can a rat be continuously equipped with the jacket?

Our experience shows that the animals can remain equipped for a period of 48 hours continuously without any clinical sign or behavioural alteration (no irritation, no weight loss, no hair loss, no isolation or prostration of the animals), and without any damage to the equipment. The idea is not to use the solution for long-term continuous recordings (>48h), but rather for short or discontinuous measurements.

The wearing period may be longer than 48 hours if this does not affect the welfare of the animal or the results of the study, in agreement with the local ethical body.

Logitudinal case: If, for example, a regular measurement lasting several hours is carried out once every two or three days, it is recommended that the animal be equipped and de-equipped after each session. 

#5 Jacket use - Are the jackets reusable and can they be used for different animals ? 

The recommendation is to use a jacket for one animal for a study. It is not recommended to use it on another animal to avoid odor crossing and therefore increase stress. This material is a consumable, it is not guaranteed. Washing is not recommended and autoclave is prohibited.

#6 Jacket use - How long can the same jacket be used for one animal? 

The jackets must be adapted to the animal to provide good respiratory signals and maintain ECG patches. The only limit to reusing a jacket several times is when the size is no longer adapted to the animal's weight or morphology. If the jacket is to be kept for several weeks for repeated recordings, it is therefore advisable not only to ensure that it fits the subject, but also to check its condition before each new installation to guarantee data recording. 

From experience, one rat jacket can fit 4 to 5 weeks, but this value is dependent of animal age, strain and growth. You can refer to the size’s chart available to review your specific case.  
For other species, The same principle is applicable but variations in weight due to growth are less significant, allowing the jacket to be reused on the same animal for longer.

#7 Handling - Is it possible to carry out technical laboratory procedures on equipped animals (injection, sampling, restraint)? 

The jacket is compatible with intra-peritoneal (IP) injection, intra-venous (IV) injection, gavage (per os) and blood sampling procedures on equipped animals. It should be kept in mind that this type of handling has effects on physiological parameters, as it generally involves holding the animal at sensor level and an increase in heart rate and respiratory rate that may mask the effects of a fast-acting molecule, for example.