ECG delineation analyzer - additional module

ECG delineation analyzer - additional module

This article details how to use the solution software module to perform the ECG delineation

1. What is the ECG delineation module? 

The system provides 3 biosignals: the initial cardiac parameters provided in the software by the ECG analyzer module were based on the detection of the R-peak. Today it is possible to analyze the parameters related to the other peaks P, Q, S and T (events, average pattern, intervals...) of the ECG signal thanks to the ECG delineation analyzer module. 

For this, the software will perform an average pattern from the ECG cycles of the raw signal as a mean to filter the noise of the signal and abnormal detections : this average pattern is created by overlapping several signal complexes (60 by default). It results in a smoothed, distinct pattern, on which the events P, Q, S, T peaks are placed and the intervals are calculated.

2. How to perform it in the software ?

A. Module activation

The ECG delineation module is available at the time of ECG signal DETECTION:
Check the button to activate the module (Advanced ECG) 
it is also at this moment that you can configure your detection, for example, you can reduce the number of cycles used for the average pattern (Beats to average)

Once your configuration is complete, click on VALIDATE
  Wait a few minutes....
Once the detection is done you have access to the MERGE withs different delineation module views (  ) and the intervals expressed in ms when exporting (  ) your data. 
The additional views available with the ECG delineation module are described in the following sections. 

B. ECG delineation analyzer moduel views

- PQRST Delineation of ECG pattern

This view allows to observe the average pattern from the 60 cycles. 

- RR and QT correlation

This view allows to observe correlations between the RR interval and the corrected or uncorrected QT interval.

- Calculated conduction intervals of ECG pattern

This view shows the evolution of the different key cardiac parameters over time, including the intervals. 

Attention if you want to display the mean pattern in parallel of the intervals, you must uncheck the box "Displayed mean parameters" to display the parameters calculated on the 60 cycles. Otherwise, in general, for display purposes, the calculated parameters (HR, RR, VM...) are averaged over 10 sec. 

- Patterns Waterfall for 3D viewing

This view aligns the patterns (based on the R peaks), to offer a 3D rendering of the evolution of the signal.

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