Data analysis with LASA software

Data analysis with LASA software

This article provides the key steps for data analysis with Lasa software and data export to Excel. The Excel file containing the physiological variables calculated for several animals studied can be used to draw initial conclusions or to prepare the data for import into advanced statistical software (Graphpad prise, R, Python...).


a.    Principle

The aim of this article is to illustrate the procedure to be followed to analyze the data acquired with DECRO.  In the software, analysis and export are performed in the SESSION section of your study.

b.    Learning case (Study example)

A learning case will be used to illustrate the steps of the analysis process in LASA software:

A gavage protocol was carried out in a group of 3 rats with a saline solution in order to quantify the stress effect of handling on cardio-respiratory variables.

c.    Analysis steps introduction

Several steps must be followed in the software to process the physiological data and obtain an export of all physiological variables for several individuals in a Excel file . 


Details are given in the following video:

Video 1 : Details of the key steps in post-acquisition analysis with LASA software 


The first step is DETECTION

a.   Launch DETECTION

DETECTION enables you to position the various events (R peaks, Vmin and Vmax) on the recorded raw signal using algorithms, in order to automatically obtain the evolution of physiological variables over time

Default detection parameters have been carefully defined for each species (DETECT CONFIG LASA VIEW), so simply launch detection with these predefined parameters to visualize and export the evolution of physiological variables over time.

DETECTION parameter values can be adjusted as needed by the user in the DETECT CONFIG window below . The definition of each DETECTION parameter can be found in the USER GUIDE "part 6.3 : Setup the parameters for the automatic detectionavailable in each DECRO system .
The user guide can be viewed by clicking on the question mark on the system home page.

This first DETECTION step gives access to a MERGE aquisition session with the evolution of physiological variables over time, the visualization of physiological signals, the export of raw data and the possibility of calibrating the respiratory signal.

SOFTWARE :  For each acquisition session (for ex. WEEK1-CRTL-RAT1), simply click on the corresponding DETECTION button (individually) and validate with the VALIDATE one. You can also start a DETECTION for all sessions using the DETECTION button at the top of the SESSION home page.

In our learning case, we're using the DETECTION default parameters, but you can adjust them if you wish. 
To perform a DETECTION, follow the steps in the video below : 

Video 2: Key steps for detecting a recording session with algorithms and obtaining calculated variables

In this video, the DETECTION button is orange because detection has already been performed previously. In the case of the first DETECTION, just after data acquisition/recording, the DETECTION button is GREEN and the MERGE, T0 and ANALYZE buttons are not displayed.

Repeat these steps for each acquisition session, 
Once the detection has been carried out, the "MERGE" session appears. If you click on it, the evolution of the calculated variables over time is display.

b.   Access to post-detection visualization

In our learning case, by clicking on the MERGE session, a new window opens by default with the evolution of heart rate, respiratory rate and activity level (ALL IN ONE view : average over 10 seconds to simplify data display). Markers created (Treatment) during acquisition are positioned at the corresponding time.


Other variables and physiological signals can be viewed using the wheel available above the ALL IN ONE view. 

c.   More details about DETECTION

The algorithms identify events (visible on the signal by the positioning of the crosses) that fall within the detection parameter ranges defined in the software's DETECT CONFIG window. The values of the predefined parameters are based on feedback from several studies and are adapted to several scientific cases.
On the other hand, The software doesn't include in the results signal portions that don't correspond to the predefined range, and therefore cycles that the user does not consider physiological.

if certain cycles are not taken into account by the software, but the user wishes to integrate them into the results, it is possible to manually adjust the existing detection with the "MOVE EVENT" function. This function lets you add, delete or move events and cycles on an existing merge session detection. An automatic adjustment of the calculated parameters will be made once the modification has been validated.


The second step is the individual analysis. It involves identifying zones of interest called TIMEFRAME, defining a T0 to realign the data over time, and choosing the type of data calculation

a. Timeframe of interest

To facilitate analysis in the Excel export, It is possible to identify areas of interest directly on the MERGE session. To do this, we will use tool named TIMEFRAME. This step is recommended, but it is not mandatory to access the next analyse step or analyzed export file.

In our learning case, We want to compare a control state before gavage with the state of the animal immediately after the manipulation. We will therefore add colored TIMEFRAMEs on the MERGE in order to find them later in the Excel export file and facilitate analysis.

We will therefore place two TIMEFRAMEs directly on the MERGE as described in the video. We place the "Baseline" TIMEFRAME and the "Handling" TIMEFRAME. Areas of spontaneous animal ACTIVITY were also identified. 

Video 3: Key steps for setting TIMEFRAME to MERGE

It is necessary to define the different TIMEFRAMEs in the TIMEFRAME button (1) at the top of the SESSION home page just before place them, so that they are available later in the corresponding list (2) in MERGE visualizations.

Repeat this step for each MERGE session

b. T0

To perform an analysis, we have to define a "T0" to access an analyzed export file.

You need to define a theoretical start of your recording, called T0, to realign data of several animals over time. 
For example, T0 can also be at the time of a treatment or at 0 (at the start of recording). 

Simply click on the button available under the MERGE banner.

SOFTWARE : In our learning case, we then choose to use a marker as T0 by clicking on the marker list and selecting the "TREATMENT" marker. Validate by clicking on “SET T0” button.

Video 4: Key steps for setting T0

Define T0 for each session

In this video, the button is “CHANGE T0” because a T0 has already been defined previously. In the case of the first ANALYSIS, the DETECTION button is as follows:  

Indeed, the ANALYZE buttons are not available.

c. Performing calculations (ANALYSE)

To perform an analysis, in addition to defining a "T0", we have to perform calculations (mean, median or sum) on the raw data to access an analyzed export file.

T0 is used to realign the various subjects on the same time base relative to a specific point (different from the start of recording, e.g. Dosing). This tool facilitates the visualization of an effect between subjects in the same experimental group.

Simply click on ANALYZE.

SOFTWARE : In our case, we'll calculate the average over 5 minutes. It is of course possible to define different types of calculation and sampling times for each physiological function. We can also select the type of error you want, between Standard error or SEM.

Video 5: Key steps in defining analysis parameters

Once this is done, click on Validate.

Repeat this step for each session. You can launch the analysis for all sessions using the ANALYSE button at the top of the SESSION home page.


Once your results have been processed individually, you can bring them all together by exporting them, so that you can carry out your grouped analysis.

a. Tagging before export

To export several subject sessions, we have to placed TAG on each previous analysis.

SOFTWARE : In our case, we click on the menu available in front of the element to be tagged and select the tag “ANALYZED” to assign to it. The tag is displayed in front of the element, just before the menu.

Repeat this step for each session to be exported. (See details in video 6)

It is necessary to define the different TAGs in the TAG button (1) at the top of the SESSION home page just before place them, so that they are available later in the corresponding list (2).

b. Export

Once the different tags have been assigned for each ANALYSIS to be exported, We just have to click on the EXPORT button on the home page of the session part of the study.

Then we choose our ANALYZED tag and click on the EXPORT [1], the Excel format is proposed by default in this case

Finally, we click on GENERATE  and after on DOWNLOAD. The file is downloaded onto the computer …

Video 6 : Key steps for tagging and exporting grouped data

c. Data analysis in excel file

Concerning details of the Excel export content, please refer to the USER GUIDE on the server home page (question mark).


SOFTWARE : In our case, to obtain a comparison of cardiorespiratory frequencies between the two states (control vs. post-handling), the following steps were performed:

> Insert a pivot table in a new EXCEL page by using “all” table

> In “Pivot table fields", select the elements of interest and create table (e.g. time frame, cardiac rate and respiratory rate)

> Generate graphics:  in "Insert", "Recommended chart", and in "Insert", click on "Recommended graphics".

By doing the pivot table, you must remind few points : 
-> Use the "Parameters_analyse" category to obtain the value of the parameter in the pivot table
-> The values are displayed summed automatically. Values must be averaged, to do this use the "Value Field Settings dialog box", by left-clicking on the parameter.  

Video 7 : Key steps in the cardiorespiratory analysis of the learning case as an Excel file

This file can be used to draw initial conclusions or to prepare data for import into advanced statistical software (Graphpad prise, R, python...). 
To conclude this learning case, 
We can see here that on 3 individuals, the handling increased heart rate and respiratory rate by 13% and 30% respectively compared with control values (HR=404 bpm and RR= 154 rpm).

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