Study management and design
CLOUD Management
The following article describes how to manage data on the CLOUD interface. > Data on cloud interfaces deployed by ETISENSE remain the property of the customer and are hosted on a secure server. General introduction The cloud interface offers all LASA ...
Study creation and deletion
In this article, you'll find out how to create, back-up and delete your study data. A) Study Creation 1- Study creation steps The creation of a new study is done from the home view of the software. Click on in order to create a new study. Fill in the ...
Study backup and restoration
In this article, you'll find out how to create, back-up and delete your study data. A) Study and session backup 1- Study export The lasa software implement mecanisms to export the complete and compressed database of a study. Raw data files and their ...
Study design
This video explains how to design an experimental protocol in the solution software. KEY STEP IN STUDY DESIGN