In this article, you'll find out how to create, back-up and delete your study data.
A) Study Creation
1- Study creation steps
The creation of a new study is done from the home view of the software.
Click on in order to create a new study. Fill in the study information in the pop-up window. Only the name of the study is required.
If necessary, don't forget to also configure the species.
This step is mandatory. it's indicated by an “*” next to the field STUDY NAME, if the name is not filled in, CREATE is not available.
Then click on « CREATE » to validate the creation of the study.
> The other windows in this pop-up (DETECT CONFIG, ACQ WARNING and ANALYSIS CONFIG) do not need to be completed in the first instance to create the study. Read the following section on STUDY EDIT for more information on “default” settings and how to complete these parts.
The new created study now appears in the first place of the list of existing studies.
2- Study edit and customization steps
In addition of the INFORMATIONS window, there are three differents windows of the study configuration popup
Create study detect config
B) Study and session deletion
In some situation it might be required to delete the data from the system. After compressing a study, click on Delete.
Then confirm your deletion by entering the study name in the available field.
This will free up disk space and permanently delete the data from the system. A confirmation will be asked, to avoir any unwanted deletion of data.
Check the available space on the acquisition server at any time by clicking on the button on which the time is displayed [1] on the top right corner of the screen. The available space is then indicated in GB [2].
In this article, you'll find out how to create, back-up and delete your study data. A) Study and session backup 1- Study export The lasa software implement mecanisms to export the complete and compressed database of a study. Raw data files and their ...
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